Silicon Labs ZigBee ZigBee Module

Nr. stoc RS: 124-2552PProducator: Silicon LabsCod de producator: MGM111A256V2
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Documente tehnice


Protocol Type


Tensiunea de alimentare

1.85 → 3.8V

Detalii produs

MGM111 ZigBee/Thread Mesh Networking Module

The MGM111 module, based on the EFR32 Mighty Gecko SoC, enables rapid development of a wireless mesh network using ZigBee/Thread protocols.


FCC, IC, CE (V2 suffix part only)

WPAN (IEEE 802.15.4) - Silicon Labs

Informatii indisponibile despre stoc

Incercati din nou mai tarziu

Informatii indisponibile despre stoc

€ 68,90

€ 13,78 Buc. (Livrat pe rola) (fara TVA)

€ 81,99

€ 16,40 Buc. (Livrat pe rola) (cu TVA)

Silicon Labs ZigBee ZigBee Module
Selectati tipul de ambalaj

€ 68,90

€ 13,78 Buc. (Livrat pe rola) (fara TVA)

€ 81,99

€ 16,40 Buc. (Livrat pe rola) (cu TVA)

Silicon Labs ZigBee ZigBee Module
Informatii indisponibile despre stoc
Selectati tipul de ambalaj

Cumpara in pachete mari

CantitatePret unitar
5 - 9€ 13,78
10 - 49€ 13,31
50 - 99€ 12,36
100+€ 11,47

Documente tehnice


Protocol Type


Tensiunea de alimentare

1.85 → 3.8V

Detalii produs

MGM111 ZigBee/Thread Mesh Networking Module

The MGM111 module, based on the EFR32 Mighty Gecko SoC, enables rapid development of a wireless mesh network using ZigBee/Thread protocols.


FCC, IC, CE (V2 suffix part only)

WPAN (IEEE 802.15.4) - Silicon Labs