Dykem White Medium Tip Paint Marker Pen for use with Concrete, Glass, Metal, Plastic, Rubber
Documente tehnice
DykemPaint Colour
Compatible Materials
Concrete, Glass, Metal, Plastic, Rubber
Tip Size
Tara de origine
United States
Detalii produs
Dalo Marker
A paint marker pen with a high quality stainless steel ball point which writes easily and produces sharply defined marks on any type of metal surface.
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Ambersil White 3mm Medium Tip Paint Marker Pen for use with Cardboard, Glass, Metal, Paper, Plastic, Rubber, Textiles,Producator: Ambersil
P.O.A.Buc. (fara TVA)
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Dykem White Medium Tip Paint Marker Pen for use with Concrete, Glass, Metal, Plastic, Rubber
Dykem White Medium Tip Paint Marker Pen for use with Concrete, Glass, Metal, Plastic, Rubber
Informatii indisponibile despre stoc
S-ar putea să te intereseze
Ambersil White 3mm Medium Tip Paint Marker Pen for use with Cardboard, Glass, Metal, Paper, Plastic, Rubber, Textiles,Producator: Ambersil
P.O.A.Buc. (fara TVA)
Documente tehnice
DykemPaint Colour
Compatible Materials
Concrete, Glass, Metal, Plastic, Rubber
Tip Size
Tara de origine
United States
Detalii produs
Dalo Marker
A paint marker pen with a high quality stainless steel ball point which writes easily and produces sharply defined marks on any type of metal surface.
S-ar putea să te intereseze
Ambersil White 3mm Medium Tip Paint Marker Pen for use with Cardboard, Glass, Metal, Paper, Plastic, Rubber, Textiles,Producator: Ambersil
P.O.A.Buc. (fara TVA)