Documente tehnice
1.27 mm, 2.54 mm
Detalii produs
SMT / DIL adaptor supports
IC Sockets-Package Adaptics DIP
A range of Adaptics which allow the conversion between one package style to another. Development costs may be reduced by avoiding the need to redesign boards for alternative packages.
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Winslow Straight Through Hole Mount 1.27 mm, 2.54 mm Pitch IC Socket Adapter, 8 Pin Female SOP to 8 Pin Male DIPProducator: Winslow
€ 5,438Buc. (Intr-un pachet de 5) (fara TVA)
Informatii indisponibile despre stoc
Incercati din nou mai tarziu
Informatii indisponibile despre stoc
CIF 1.27 mm, 2.54 mm Pitch IC Socket Adapter
CIF 1.27 mm, 2.54 mm Pitch IC Socket Adapter
Informatii indisponibile despre stoc
S-ar putea să te intereseze
Winslow Straight Through Hole Mount 1.27 mm, 2.54 mm Pitch IC Socket Adapter, 8 Pin Female SOP to 8 Pin Male DIPProducator: Winslow
€ 5,438Buc. (Intr-un pachet de 5) (fara TVA)
Documente tehnice
1.27 mm, 2.54 mm
Detalii produs
SMT / DIL adaptor supports
IC Sockets-Package Adaptics DIP
A range of Adaptics which allow the conversion between one package style to another. Development costs may be reduced by avoiding the need to redesign boards for alternative packages.
S-ar putea să te intereseze
Winslow Straight Through Hole Mount 1.27 mm, 2.54 mm Pitch IC Socket Adapter, 8 Pin Female SOP to 8 Pin Male DIPProducator: Winslow
€ 5,438Buc. (Intr-un pachet de 5) (fara TVA)